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Primary Extraction Primary Extraction
Primary extraction plants separate bitumen from solids and water by utilizing a variety of methods.

Primary extraction plants separate bitumen from solids and water by utilizing a variety of methods.

The main method of separation is through large vessels which use retention time and air injection to remove bitumen froth from the mined slurry. Large pumps transfer bitumen froth, middlings, and the water/solids underflow for further processing. 

The process is very erosive, resulting in mechanical degradation. Additionally, optimizing vessel retention time, air injection, feed rates, and any agitation cycle is critical to ensuring maximum bitumen recovery while minimizing energy usage and operating with regulatory compliance.

Spartan Controls offers a wide range of solutions to aid in the maintenance, reliability, and performance of primary extraction facilities and their individual assets.

From pump and centrifuge monitoring and prediction, erosive flow control and measurement, to real-time process optimization, we have you covered.
Protect your critical assets
Operate with regulatory compliance
Ensure effective maintenance, reliability, and performance
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